Huzzah! to the Warrior Bard of Pictus on the release of his debut storytelling album, "Storytime With Oengus."
It contains 16 tracks, over 65 minutes of Oengus at his best! Telling stories, jokes and poems as only he can.
The album released July 17th, 2020 and is available as a high quality, digital download. (If sales do well, he may consider pressing some physical copies for future live shows.)
I love having access to these stories. With no way to see my fab band. I mix the stories with the music on the cd's and it almost makes me feel I am seeing them.
These have made it in to the bedtime story rotation for Honora. She loves them!
@John Wass: That's so cool! I'd like to know what they think of the stories...good or bad!
I've made the members of Pictus NPCs in my D&D game. Naturally, Oengus is the local bard. I've found these recordings very helpful so that Oengus can tell the players a story while I take a quick latrine break. ;)